Wharton Esherick in Rose Valley

Zoom - RVMHS 41 Rose Valley Road, Rose Valley, PA

Learn the history of Wharton Esherick's association with Rose Valley and Hedgerow Theatre and the significance of keeping Hedgeow's Esherick furniture where it was designed to be. Event is in support of the "Keep Wharton Esherick in Rose Valley" fund.


Anna Howard Shaw & the Vote for Women

Zoom - RVMHS 41 Rose Valley Road, Rose Valley, PA

Ms. Nancy Webster, Independent Scholar, will present a lecture on Anna Howard Shaw, her life and times and her role in the attaining the vote for women.


A ‘Medician Arcadia’ in the Catskills

Thunderbird Lodge 41 Rose Valley Road, Rose Valley, PA

Byrdcliffe, an artist colony founded in 1902 in Woodstock, New York, was an important force in the Arts and Crafts movement in America.  The community has a rich artistic and social legacy which has carried over to current days.

Recent Work @ Thunderbird Lodge

Zoom - RVMHS 41 Rose Valley Road, Rose Valley, PA

Mr. Seiler will acquaint us with the preservation of Thunderbird Lodge over the past couple of years and introduce plans for the future.

Women Who Led the Way

Zoom - RVMHS 41 Rose Valley Road, Rose Valley, PA

Join Dr. Wendy Chmielewski for her presentation on some of Delaware Valley's early pioneers and leaders of women's roles in society between 1840-1950.

John Ruskin to William Lightfoot Price

Hedgerow Theatre 64 W. Rose Valley Rd, Rose Valley, PA

"The Arts & Crafts Movement - John Ruskin to William Lightfoot Price" A two-day celebration of the English and American pioneers of the Arts & Crafts Movement and the 1901 Community of Rose Valley. Rose Valley Borough Council invites the general public to the dedication of the William Lightfoot Price [...]

Rose Valley Rocks!

Thunderbird Lodge 41 Rose Valley Road, Rose Valley, PA

Join Dr. Walt Cressler WCU paleobotanist and science librarian, and local historian, as he guides us in exploring the geological origins of Rose Valley's tranquil landscape.

When Owen Painted the Sky

Zoom - RVMHS 41 Rose Valley Road, Rose Valley, PA

This lecture will be an introduction to D. Owen Stephens, the son of the original owners of Thunderbird Lodge, and his art. An exhibit of his work and his papers will be on display at the Museum starting May 21st.