Walk the Historic Minquas Trail
September 30, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
| Free“Walk the Historic Minquas Trail”
The trail is also known as the Chadwick Preserve
Saturday, September 30, 10:00am – 2:00pm (Rain date, Sunday October 1)
Free admission, but Timed tickets, so please reserve tickets.
Enjoy a one hour guided walking tour of the Chadwick Preserve (Minquas Trail). After a short introduction at the Museum and transportation to Longpoint, small groups will be guided to multiple stops along the 3/4 mile trail. Explore the Lenape and Susquehannock (Minquas) native peoples, the Swede, Finn and Dutch traders, and the English Quakers who settled Rose Valley. You’ll meet the “Seekers After Knowledge”, Will and Emma Price’s 1880’s social club, and learn about the RV Environmental Advisory Council’s efforts to stabilize the trails and reintroduce native plants to the Longpoint floodplain.
Reservations: Online: www.rosevalleymuseum.org; E-mail: programs@rosevalleymuseum.org; or leave a message: 484-444-2961.
Click here to register online.
Parking at the School in Rose Valley at the end of School Lane.