Tours: Fonthill & Moravian Tile Works
July 28, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 3:30 pm
“Tours: Fonthill Castle and the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works”
Visit the home of Henry Chapman Mercer and his tile company, the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works.
Join us for a day in beautiful Bucks County. We’ll tour Henry Chapman Mercer’s 1908 medieval/gothic home and showcase of his collection of tiles & prints. We’ll have lunch together at one of Doylestown’s restaurants. Then tour his 1912 Moravian Pottery & Tile Works with Curator Vance Koehler, who spoke about Mercer at a RVM Zoom event in May 2021. Learn more about the archaeologist/potter and his tiles that adorn many homes and fireplaces in Rose Valley.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
10:00 – 11:30 Fonthill Castle,
12:00 Lunch in Doylestown
2:00 – 3:30 Moravian Pottery & Tile Works
$60 per person (members $55)
Reservations required by July 22, 2022
Sign up online at rosevalleymuseum.org; by email at programs@rosevalleymuseum.org; or by phone 484-44-2961 (leave a message).
Tours and lunch are included. Transportation is on your own (carpooling suggested).
Proof of vaccination and masks as determined by PA Guidelines and the locations.
Reservations required by July 22, 2022: email at programs@rosevalleymuseum.org, by phone at 484-444-2961 (leave a message) or Click here to register online.