Rose Valley Rocks!
March 27, 2022 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
” Rose Valley Rocks!”
From Plate Tectonics to Architecture of Place
Join Dr. Walt Cressler WCU paleobotanist and science librarian, and local historian, as he guides us in exploring the geological origins of Rose Valley’s tranquil landscape – and how its materials were formed in the not-so-tranquil past. Will Price is known for having drawn inspiration and materials from the local landscape for his architectural projects in Rose Valley.
Sunday, March 27, 4pm (EST)
Lecture followed by small reception
Donation: $20 per person ($15 members)
Reservations, required by March 26, 2022 4pm.
Reservations can be made online, by email to programs@rosevalleymuseum.org or by phone at (484) 444-2961 (leave a message). Click here to register online.
Proof of vaccination required and will be checked at the door.
Masks required when not consuming food.
Parking available at the School in Rose Valley.
Questions? Email: programs@rosevalleymuseum.org