Yearly Archives: 2024


Building SRV – A Rose Valley Story – Video

2025-01-08T11:19:07-05:00December 1st, 2024|Video & Interactive|

“Building SRV”

A Rose Valley Story

This lecture will take you down one of the historical paths of Rose Valley.  Carl Finkbeiner, photographer, RVMHS and (past) SRV board member will present a talk about The School in Rose Valley.  The stories that the buildings of The School in Rose Valley (SRV) have to tell about the institution and what it shares with its enveloping Rose Valley community are more remarkable than most people know.  If you only know SRV or if you only know Rose Valley, or maybe even if you think you know both, you will find that the buildings’ stories have a lot to teach us about hidden histories and connections that will only deepen your appreciation of the two.

You can access the video of this event for a one-time donation of $10.00. Immediately after payment, you’ll receive a link to the video. The link will also be emailed to you, and you can access it any time from your email.

Rose Valley: A Poor Sort of Heaven, A Good Sort of Earth – Video

2024-10-15T16:43:08-04:00October 15th, 2024|Video & Interactive|

“Rose Valley”

A Poor Sort of Heaven, A Good Sort of Earth

Ryan Berley, Curator of the Rose Valley Museum, describes the connection of the Arts & Crafts Movement to the community of Rose Valley.

You can access the video of this event for a one-time donation of $10.00. Immediately after payment, you’ll receive a link to the video. The link will also be emailed to you, and you can access it any time from your email.

Rose Valley: A Poor Sort of Heaven, A Good Sort of Earth – Video

"Rose Valley" A Poor Sort of Heaven, A Good Sort of Earth Ryan Berley, Curator of the Rose Valley Museum, describes the connection of the Arts & Crafts Movement to…

The Lenape of Pennsylvania – Video

2024-10-03T19:21:30-04:00October 3rd, 2024|Video & Interactive|

“The Lenape of Pennsylvania”

Then and Now

This lecture, given by Chief Adam Waterbear DePaul, M.Ed. will focus on the past and present Lenape people, the Lenape culture and their assimilation following Dutch, Swede, and English settlements.  Chief DePaul will also review ongoing efforts to urge Pennsylvania lawmakers to recognize the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania.

You can access the video of this event for a one-time donation of $10.00. Immediately after payment, you’ll receive a link to the video. The link will also be emailed to you, and you can access it any time from your email.

The Lenape of Pennsylvania – Video

"The Lenape of Pennsylvania" Then and Now This lecture, given by Chief Adam Waterbear DePaul, M.Ed. will focus on the past and present Lenape people, the Lenape culture and their…

Darby Quakers & the Underground Railroad – Video

2024-05-06T22:39:35-04:00May 6th, 2024|Video & Interactive|

“Darby Quakers & The Underground Railroad”

Living Values in an Intentional Community

Harold Finigan, Historic Preservationist and Educator, will discuss how the people of Delaware County worked against the immoral nature of slavery. During the growth of this country some saw slaves as the answer to do all the hard work that was needed to build a nation. Some, however, who had bought into the ideas of freedom & Penn’s Holy Experiment, saw slavery as inconsistent with these ideas. A portion of those who held that view worked outside the system, while others worked within the system to convince their brethren that slave-holding was inconsistent with the Golden Rule.

You can access the video of this event for a one-time donation of $10.00. Immediately after payment, you’ll receive a link to the video. The link will also be emailed to you, and you can access it any time from your email.

Darby Quakers & the Underground Railroad – Video

"Darby Quakers & The Underground Railroad" Living Values in an Intentional Community Harold Finigan, Historic Preservationist and Educator, will discuss how the people of Delaware County worked against the immoral…

Howard Fremont Stratton: Artist, Teacher, Traveler – Video

2024-02-09T23:40:38-05:00February 9th, 2024|Video & Interactive|

“Howard Fremont Stratton: Artist, Teacher, Traveler”

Presentation by Sara MacDonald, former Director for Public Services for the University of the Arts Libraries.

Ms. MacDonald will  discuss Stratton’s background and his connection to Rose Valley, his role at the Museum School, his travels to Europe and Egypt, and the 1935 National Gallery of Art Collection of Stratton’s Egyptian paintings from 1924-25.  Howard Stratton was a founding member of Rose Valley and a long-time teacher and administrator at the Pennsylvania Museum School of Industrial Art (now University of the Arts).

You can access the video of this event for a one-time donation of $10.00. Immediately after payment, you’ll receive a link to the video. The link will also be emailed to you, and you can access it any time from your email.

Howard Fremont Stratton: Artist, Teacher, Traveler – Video

"Howard Fremont Stratton: Artist, Teacher, Traveler" Presentation by Sara MacDonald, former Director for Public Services for the University of the Arts Libraries. Ms. MacDonald will  discuss Stratton's background and his…

Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Valley: Find Your Light: Panel Discussion – Video

2024-02-09T22:57:22-05:00February 9th, 2024|Video & Interactive|

Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Valley: Panel Discussion “Hedgerow Theatre’s Legacy of Light”

Panel members:  Ken Marini, Freelance Director & People’s Light Company member; Paul Kuhn, Founding Co-Artistic Director Curio Theatre Company; Brian Anthony Wilson, Barrymore award-winning Actor; Peter Schmitz, Adjunct Professor at Temple University; Marcie Bramucci, Executive Artistic Director, Hedgerow Theatre Comapny; and Gina Pasasale, Communications & Dramaturgy Associate, Hedgerow Theatre Company.

You can access the video of this event for a one-time donation of $10.00. Immediately after payment, you’ll receive a link to the video. The link will also be emailed to you, and you can access it any time from your email.

Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Valley: Panel Discussion – Video

Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Valley: Panel discussion "Hedgerow Theatre's Legacy of Light" Panel members:  Ken Marini, Freelance Director & People's Light Company member; Paul Kuhn, Founding Co-Artistic Director Curio Theatre…